Look Ma, no hands!

Since the expanse of windows is one of the best features of our apartment, we were pleased to learn periodic cleaning was included in our rent.

When I scheduled our first window washing, I was surprised how readily I was able to reserve a “slot”.  I envisioned some suspended platform or swing contraption would be employed; I had witnessed just such a platform being used at our 12th-floor serviced apartment. I thought it could be a long wait to schedule a cleaning, given building management must have to schedule according to when the apparatus was available, when enough tenants had requested cleaner windows, etc.  For some reason, it never occurred to me the outside of our 29th floor windows would be cleaned from the inside.

On the day of the cleaning, two guys turned up at our door with buckets, squeegees, and a ladder. They slipped off their shoes and brought the equipment inside.

Are you holding your breath yet?

I took these pictures surreptitiously, with my phone on silent.

I took these pictures surreptitiously, with my phone on silent.

All I could think of is how I would overbalance if I attempted this.

How long can you hold your breath?  It takes these guys about 30 minutes to clean all the windows in our apartment. No safety gear. No harnesses. Wikipedia says this about window cleaning: “Risks include slipping on water or soap, and falling from heights.” No kidding.

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