Leaving Season

There are two leaving seasons in Hong Kong. One is around Christmas break/January 1, and one is right now. The weeks leading up to these times of year are full of conversations about who is leaving, where they are going (back home? next assignment?), when they are going (after school lets out? early?), and why they are going (assignment over? new job?).  In addition to all the typical end-of-school madness, May and June are chock-full of leaving drinks, leaving lunches, and last-hurrah playdates.  All those social engagements you meant to plan over the last year? They need to happen now, because more often than not, part of the party is leaving town.

Some leavers planned their move long ago, while some are packing up with hardly any notice.  Chat boards and online marketplaces are littered with leftovers – Televisions, dehumidifiers, and coffeemakers; cars, couches and dining sets.

Moving Sale! Every other day, now.

Someday, we’ll own a leaving season, but not this time around.  For now, we are practicing our good goodbyes and looking forward to all the hellos we get to say over summer break.

2 thoughts on “Leaving Season

  1. Let us know when we can look forward to seeing you!! Alec (and I) can’t wait 🙂

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